Thursday, June 25, 2009
25th june 2009, thursday blogg-ed at 1:37:00 AM
its been years since my last post.
im now at my uncle's hse..!!!
bet its weird to see me post now.
by right i shld be in camp till dis sat b4 i can book out. BUT..
i injured my left ankle's ligament.
n given a 15 DAYS attn C.!!!
damn shit..
don really like attn c cos i cant get my kaki beret. its like f*
its like only e 1st week of my NS life n i got injured.. sianx..!!!
n now.. OOC sianx.. im going to PRAY hard my ligaments will heal asap..
for now, i guess im going to rest..!!!
so shld stop now..
Sunday, April 5, 2009
05/04/2009..sunday.. blogg-ed at 8:06:00 AM
its been months since my last post.
so decided to post today.
just gotta my NS letter.
im going to "work" for s'pore lerx.(12th june 2009)
im being posted to BEDOK camp..!!! 3 guard.. haix..
but its ok, cos im wid my friend BRYANT..!!! hahax..
baden both of us different timing. my is 10am n bra is 9am.
kind of funny to heard that bra n me r in e same camp.
i dunno how to express my feelings. its like happy but at e same time sad.
4 weeks of physical training n 9 weeks of BMT. hmm..
hope i can celebrate dar n my b'dae. as it falls on mon(my) n fri(dar)
later linkeat will drive us to cckcc n play ball..
wish later can meet dear as she say she's going market later.
end post here. wanna get some rest.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday, 18th of JAN 2009 blogg-ed at 6:03:00 PM
1st post of e year 4 mii..
haben been posting as im busy wid ATTACHMENT n WORKING at queensway..
jus got a shock last midnight.
i got moi NS letter lerx..damn it..!!!
i'll b going 4 vocational assignment on 16th of Feb HENDON camp..
damn..!!! moi bro de friend say its commando..haix.
i wish tat i wun go NS so fast lorx..
wish dar can acc mii MORE..!!!
as im going 2 "work" 4 SINGAPORE lerx..
kx lahx.. end post lerx.. as later going 2 meet dar n e gals 4 dinner..
2 celebrate jo de b'day..(advance de lahx)
Friday, November 28, 2008
friday.28th of nov 2008 blogg-ed at 11:26:00 PM
ehx.. haben been up-dating moi blog 4 quite a long time lerx..
dis few days nv really msg wid dar as im kind of busy.. REALLY sorry ..!!!
hope u're not angry.. pspspspsps.. i'll try 2 meet up wid u de..
2moro wil b another busy day 4 mii.. turning in lerx.. nites..
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday.. 4th of NOV 2008.. blogg-ed at 2:45:00 PM
29 more days n moi best friend JENSEN wil b serving his NS..
3 days since i last met wid le..
jus finished bathing n etc..
cos came backed from "work"
2 more days 2 le's b"day..
n her present was'nt rdy..!!!!
hoped i can give her her present on 6th..
guess le was tired of guessing wad m i giving her 4 her B"day..
as i don wanna let her know..
but somehow, some1 know wad im giving her..
(i mean tat person(she)guess it rite but diff BAND..)
last ntiex le was talking 2 mii abt e RING tin..
if im not wrong, e name of e shop ish "KISS"
a shop tat sells COUPLE RINGS n ETC..
its a shop from JAPAN
e tins in e shop cost a BOMB..!!!
baden le really luk it..
she's been eye-ing on e ring 4 quite a LONG time lerx..
(since e day wi enter e shop)
i dunno if its a gd time 2 buy a ring nw.. as..
i really hoped tat aft wi buy e RING, both of us can KEEP e promise..
a promise nv 2 b broken..
le went out wid her frenx 2day..
n im alone..
its going 2 rain anytime nw..
abit sad n at e same time worry abt le..
she has'nt been msg-ing mii..!!!
its been hrs since her sch end..
hoped le got br her jacket wid her..
haix.. nvm..
guess im going 2 end 2days' post lerx..
n its time 4 mii 2 carry on sleep..!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thurday,30th of Oct 2008.. blogg-ed at 9:09:00 PM
i hab updated moi blog..
haven been posting 4 "YRS"..!!!
TAN LE HUII.. i update lerx..
don nag liaox..
jus nw went grandma hse 2 pray..
den went 2 IMM 2 meet moi BABY, ying ru n von..
wi went 2 buy BBQ stuff..
den cab BABY back hme..
as e bus were PACKED.. -.-'''
2moro morning go work..
den meet BABY go CHALET..!!!
looking 4ward 2 it..
i hope happy times don so fast end..
cos nan de BABY can acc mii e WHOLE DAY..!!!
hope moi uncle can drive us there..
he haben confirm wid mii if he can drive BABY n mii go..
pls pls..
den uncle can help us carry e heavy stuffs n help us check in..
hopefully oli lahx..
end post here..
cos 2moro nd 2 wake up early..
(update aft chalet..)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday. 15th of AUG 2008.. blogg-ed at 11:48:00 PM
3rd day widout moi LEHUII..!!!!
feels so damn luk shit..
went 2 play basketball dis few days.
was'nt on "FORM."
got lots of tins 2 tel ah bi..
hope bi can acc mii wen she rch S"PORE..
notin much 4 mi 2 say..
hab 2 turn in early as 2moro hab 2 wake up at
DAMN 6am..!!!
sianx lorx..